What started it all (for me anyway):
What's also interesting is seeing the reverse process of this music - undubbing or whatever you would call it, carried out in classical covers, on piano or whatever. There's something about dubstep's synthesizing that bypasses a lot of the regular conventions of creating music. The peculiarities of its tones and what can be done with them are near impossible to explore without the computer programs to do so.
So when you do hear the piano iteration, or the classical take or what have you, you can hear this approach to sound that is much less organic but that much more original come out in the mix
Few people are ever going to pick up an acoustic guitar and come up with an original dubstep drop and think it sounds great. It doesn't translate well.
But when people hear a song, and attempt to replicate that with their own human style and nuances, I think you really see new ground being broken.
Case in point:
I also love the way this music has taken off. Youtube and other online sources have allowed people to enjoy whatever music they like without all the sub-cultural attachments. Its reducing music back to its purity; the way it sounds. Its judged on its merits rather than its cultural and status signalling. You don't have to smoke pot to listen to Bob Marely, you don't have to be black to listen to 50 cent, you don't have to be old to listen to Wagner, you don't have to be a teenager to enjoy Katy Perry.
The complete separation of the two is an impossibility of course. A song contains too much of the world in it to be reduced to just pure sound. But to be able to bypass all the conventions of genre has made different sounds accessible in a way that is unprecedented.
For music, whatever your into, you live in the perfect era. There is no sound left untapped, no music you cannot find, no music you cannot listen too. This is musical utopia.