Sunday, July 28, 2013


the worst pain isn't hunger,
it isn't freezing, or burning,
it isn't stabbing or slashing,
it isn't physical

it isn't confusion, or ignorance
it isn't being lost, or clueless,
it isn't not understanding

it isn't loss, the death of a friend,
it isn't the things that escaped your grasp,
it isn't the thing you once held.

it isn't anger, or revenge,
it isn't the bitterness or resentment,
it isn't the jealousy that eats inside,

the worst pain, the pain that doesn't bite,
doesn't sting, the pain that is always dull,
despairingly dull and numb,
that is always overwhelming -
that never fully goes away, that will always scare us - is lonliness

the greatest pain, is no one knowing, and no one caring,
it is when your life goes by with actions without meaning
for with lonliness, comes irrelevance, the realization that pain means nothing.
and that nothing, it consumes, it latches onto us like a parasite that we foster, that we hold onto, and pretend to find necessary.

For love we hunger, we burn, we freeze,
we humble, we confuse, we lose,
for love we forgive, we forget,
for love we live,

but for the lonliness, we nothing.

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